
about dov ber

about dov ber

I’m keeping this short, seeing as it really isn’t about me; it’s about you and how the wisdom and tools of the Jewish masters can completely transform your existence.


I grew up in London and studied Philosophy at Manchester University. I then lived in Asia for six years studying and practicing Eastern paths to self-actualisation and purpose, arrived in Israel at the age of 29, walked the length of Israel in 40 days, and connected to Judaism and the sweetness and profound insight of the Torah which I never knew existed. I spent several years studying in yeshiva, got smicha and ran several trips to Thailand, India, Peru and Nicaragua for young Jewish professionals.
Baruch Hashem I live in Jerusalem with my holy family. I hope to be high impact, low profile. That’s it.


If you want to know more check out
dovber.org and areyouright.org
My book, Mastering Life is available on Amazon here.

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